Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

A few of the things on my Thankful List
Firstly, God's love & grace, which I fall way short of deserving.

Next, in no particular order, my incredibly handsome hubby who cooked up a feast for our family and my sister's family today.
This incredibly sweet boy who was cooking Thanksgiving Dinner in his kitchen, just like his Daddy, wearing his absolute favorite basketball shorts (that he currently wears almost every day!) and the jammie shirt to a pair of Christmas jammies from last Christmas, that is too small, but he insists on wearing it because "it's almost Christmas time and I have to wear something Christmas."
This incredibly scrumptious princess who insists on wearing her shoes, boots, or house shoes 24/7 and always says "sheese" when a camera comes out!
The fun and laughter that we all have together.
Happy Thanksgiving!

the Keenes  :)

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