Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Day to Remember

I came across the 2 pics below taken from Wes's phone a little over a year ago.  Funny how when you look back on pics you remember the day..... That's why keeping up with this blog is SO important.  I want to remember the little things that I might otherwise not.  Like the day the pictures below were taken. 

Gracie was only a few weeks old.  We went for a drive and stopped by a school to play on the playground for a little bit.  The sun was starting to set.  I remember how complete I felt as I pushed Gracie sleeping in the stroller and watched Daddy and Tucker play on the playground, throw a ball on the basketball court, and race on the drive way.  My heart was so full of love for our still-new family of four.  I felt complete, an indescribable love, so much contentment, and an overwhelming gratitude to God for the gifts he alone had given me.
I never, ever want to forget that day.

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