On the way to the airport, I had fantasized that Tucker and I would meet Daddy at the gate and as he came walking out, Tucker would scream with excitement and Wes would come running over to us with a very proud grin and I would be able to capture it all on camera.... Well, Wes's flight got in right smack in the middle of nap time, so Tucker cried almost the whole way to the airport, which is a rarity. He usually never cries in the car, but he was super tired, has two mean teeth working through, and he had dropped his paci and Mommy couldn't reach it. He fell asleep about 5 minutes from the airport. Needless to say, I was not going to wake him so we waited for Daddy in the "pick up" parking, and I dared Wes to wake him! The pictures above are once we got home and Tucker woke up realizing Daddy had come home! :)
Here is Tucker with a few gifts Daddy brought home for him, a Chicago Puppy and a shirt that reads, "Someone who really loves me got me this shirt in Chicago."
It didn't take long before Mommy put Daddy to work.... He put together the high chair that we FINALLY got! And Tucker helped out too!
Wait a second! Was there a mix-up at the airport? THAT can't be MY husband because MY husband NEVER reads directions!
Here's Tucker's first time in his big boy high chair. I don't think he knew what to think, or maybe he wasn't feeling those egg noodles! :)
Glad Wes got home safely! That high chair looks great! What is it with men and directions? Josh doesn't read them either.
WOW! He is crawling!!! Your world will never be the same!!!!
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