Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day #3

Hey Daddy! It's me again, Tucker Bug! :)

I guess Momma already told you about my new tooth! (See post below) That's our big news for today. Mommy said you were sad you weren't here.... Well, don't worry, it's still on it's way out and then I have the right one to work on. I'm sure you'll still be part of the experience! I tried to hold off as long as I could! Mommy said I've been a little fussy for a few days now.

Well, since I took such a big nap today, Mommy didn't get too many opportunities to take pictures. At least that's what she said, but you and I both know that means she only took 50 today instead of her usual 100! In this one she settled for pictures of the doggies since I was asleep: So, what did we do today? Well, after my morning nap we went to Target. I'm sure Momma would have taken pictures there except you know how focused she is when she's at Target! At Target we got a high chair for me! Momma says I'm too big for my bumbo and that we should have gotten it a long time ago, but I'm not sure how I feel about that.... I mean I like my bumbo. I can turn around and see what Baby and Lacy are doing.... I can reach for things next to me....

It's fun!

I guess I'll see how I like that high chair. I told Mommy that I want to wait until you get home though.

Of course I played today. Here are a few pictures of me playing in my room:

In this one I was trying to crawl under the stand that my humidifier sits on.
And in this one I found something that looked really fun but Mommy kept saying, "No no, Tucker." I'm not sure why she wouldn't let me play with these fun things?

Oh, and I started kissing my ottoman. I'm not sure why, I guess I just really like my chair and ottoman... Mommy would say, "Aaahhhh," and I would keep kissing it. Then I started kissing Mommy! She says I'm a sweet boy.Then Papa and Memaw got back from vacation earlier than expected so we didn't need to go let their doggies out, so this evening me and Mommy went to the park and walked with my friend Trey and his Mommy.

It was a busy day, and pretty eventful with my tooth cutting through! Mommy says you're coming home tomorrow! I can't wait! I miss you so much! Mommy tries to make the silly noises like you do, but it's just not the same. I love you, Daddy!

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