Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tiny Confession

Okay, I have a tiny confession... No, nothing like whatever you're thinking. I just wrote a post without being completely up front with ya'll....

The post I'm referring to is on March 8th and titled "The Million Dolla Question." It's the one where the boy in church asked his father if Wes and I would have kids. Do your math, it's obvious that I knew when I wrote that post that we were prego. Some of you commented that you thought I would end the post with such an "announcement" and BELIEVE ME, I wanted to!!!!

The "interesting" thing is that the very Sunday that the boy asked the question, we were pregnant and did not yet realize it!!! Wes and I knew we were pregnant when we were only 2 weeks along, pretty early on. I wrote that post about a month after the incident. It was the Sunday before Wes and I found out we were pregnant. So, does that boy have some kind of telepathy? Maybe I should go ask him whether he thinks we're having a baby boy or a baby girl.... Hmmm....

It was cute when he found out we were in fact pregnant. He came over during the "welcoming" part of our church service and congratulated us. He knew his dad had told us the story, and he thought it was pretty funny himself! :) I just might have to hunt him down this Sunday....

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