It might have been more than I could handle today if I didn't get creative. I mean I'd like to think my house is pretty entertaining. We have lots of toys but they're toddler toys. We have an Xbox, but most of the games aren't for little ones to play. We have cable and I'm definitely not above using the TV as a form of entertainment, but not for the whole day. These kiddos need some stimulating activity!
So, during Tucker's nap, we conducted an "experiment." We had glasses of water and food color and made "hypotheses" about what color two colors mixed would make. We made a graph to track our guesses, whether we were right or wrong, and to draw "conclusions" about our findings. (And, yes, when you have an Aunt who is a psychologist, you get fun little lessons on what all those words mean!) I'm not sure how well they'll remember the details, but I'd like to think they will remember the fun they had. :)
All this fun, and I didn't get one picture of Tucker playing with our house guests. How did that happen!? I think I'm slacking on my picture-taking responsibilities!
Now for rolling some cake balls in chocolate and up next, a sweat potatoe pie! Yup, it's gonna be a late night!
I hope y'all have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow and enjoy time with your family! I'm so thankful for days like today, no matter how hectic and crazy they are!
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