Monday, October 12, 2009

Clean Sweep!

I have the most amazing sisters ever! I am so very blessed, because not only are they amazing sisters, but they are my best friends! I am so lucky and thank God for blessing me with such wonderful individuals whom I have known for my entire life (well, more like their entire lives! Since I'm the oldest, I guess there was 1 1/2 year of my life that I didn't know them! LOL!).

Anyway, Bridgette and Holli both had last Friday off work. Bridgette who has just moved into a new apartment has plenty of things to do at home, not the least of which include unpacking! And, Holli has a 7 month old baby girl who keeps her very busy. So, I know they had bigger and better things to do on a day off of work, but instead, they spent their day off cleaning my house! I didn't even ask them to do this! They just called and said that they were coming. Now, let me just say that Wes does a great job of helping out around the house. I could not be more blessed to have such a supportive husband who has never viewed housework as my job simply because I'm a woman. He dives right in with the housework and over the course of the past several years, can clean a room almost as completely as if I had done it myself. I am so grateful for that!

However, my sisters did some deep-down, nitty-gritty cleaning. The kind that I have not been able to do in a while due to an infinite lack of energy and due to my most recent "situation" of bed rest. Let me tell you, I have some of the cleanest blinds, windows, base-boards, and trim this house has seen. Pictures were taken off my walls, dusted and windexed, and put back up. Marks on the walls were erased with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. And, my kitchen and bathroom floors were cleaned and sanitized with Holli's Steam Shark (I gotta get me one of those things!).
Thank you all so much! You have no idea how much it means to know that my house is so clean for Tucker's arrival! :)


1 comment:

Jeanne said...

wow! that is awesome sisters! I wish my sister lived closer!!! I think we are ready for Tucker!!!