Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Still Thanksgiving Y'all!

At first I felt like such a slacker being so late on my Halloween post and now my Thanksgiving post. So many of my blogger buds got these posts up the DAY of. So impressive! Truth be told, if I could get my pics from my camera to my laptop a little more timely, I would probably have my posts up in a more timely fashion...

With that being said, I no longer feel so bad about this post being delayed. Why? Well, I've decided that I don't need one day to be thankful. I am thankful all year long. I have SO much, so many undeserving blessings to be thankful for that one day just isn't enough anyway. So, November 26th 2009, today, and every day are days of Thanksgiving.

* I am so thankful for my faith. Where would I be without it? Without God?
* I am so thankful for my amazing, absolutely AMAZING husband.
* I am SO thankful for my beautiful son and for his health.
* I am so thankful for my family and friends.
* I am so thankful for my milk. (Sorry if tmi, but it's true!)
* I am so thankful for my home.
* I am so thankful for my job (even though I completely dread going back...)
I could go on and on and on. And while I did say that every day is a day to be thankful, it is nice to have a day dedicated to reminding us of how extremely blessed we are.
Here are a few pics of our Thanksgiving...
The Keene Family

Tucker Bug enjoyed his Thanksgiving meal :)

My boys after too much turkey! :)

Well, even though this post is delayed, I hope that I have given you a 2nd reminder of how blessed you are and how much you have to be thankful for, on Thanksgiving, today, and every day! I love y'all, and I'm thankful for you! :)

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